Invest Socially

Have you read my real estate posts and want to consider starting your own social enterprise in housing? Check out my video toolkit:  Homegrow a Housing Business for the Greater Good. In it, I share detailed steps and resources on how you can build a thriving side hustle in housing that creates cash flow and contributes to human flourishing. Bring all of your ideas and heart. (Slumlords-in-training need not apply).

John Mark coached me through my first tax auction property purchase. He explained the process to me clearly so I knew what to expect with the auction. Due to his advice, I came prepared to the auction and walked away with my first investment property! 
-Heather J. Herweyer; Chattanooga, TN 

John Mark has been an awesome guide to navigating our beloved East Lake. We bought our house here because of him and we became a part of a community. He also walked us through buying an empty lot at a city auction. His focus and vision of inclusion, improvement, of possibilities of how to love our neighbors and invest in a place has been a huge gift to me and my family. -Bethany Lane;  Chattanooga, TN