The Best Seating in Mexico

United States

Steve and I love to go on visitation with Pastor Dale—especially to deliver baskets to the shut-ins on Sunday afternoons. Highland Bible Church has given us this ministry while we’re back in Texas on furlough. Back in Naranjal, several of the Mixtec ladies have learned to go on visitation every Sunday, too. I smile when I think of them spending time with those who are sick. I’m glad we’ll see them again in a few weeks.

Dairy Queen is a lot quieter on Sunday nights after church now. Since Willy and Aaron saved enough money for Game Boys, they sit at their own booth and punch away at the buttons as their dipped cones melt.  Little Ruth sits with Steve and I, chattering away as she eats her strawberry sundae.  She is seven this year.  She loves picking flowers from the yard and taking them along with verse cards to give to the people at the local rest home. Aunt Nancy gave her a princess outfit for her birthday.  But she isn’t always a princess—Ruth loves playing in the mud outside in the garden with Dad. They both get covered from head to toe.  I always remind them: dirt washes with soap and water…sin washes only with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. 

Mom is the same. The home where she lives only has 12 patients. She recognizes us, but that’s about it. They tried to have a birthday party for her the other day and she didn’t understand. Steve’s Mom is not well either and is looking forward to going to her home in heaven. She can’t wait to be with Tom again. He was killed in the Calico coal mine explosion of 1958. Until that day, she has a health aid staying with her. Please pray for her and all the family. 

Thanks to everyone’s hard work, the church pews made it Naranjal. The pews were donated to the ministry by Lakewood First Baptist. The planting of the Mixtec church has been a long process. We met in a park at first, then we rented a shop front…and now after years, we’ve raised enough money to purchase a two story house: the bottom floor being the church, the top floor the parsonage. Thanks to all of you who prayed and who gave, the church will have the best seating in all of Mexico!  

This year will be our 25th year celebration of El Evangelio camp ministry that we began in Mexico with Huck & Karen. The camp is complete with hay rides, cabin devotions, scavenger hunts, and crafts—just like in Terrys Fork, Virginia, where I grew up. My brother, Huck, started the original camp back in Virginia. Every morning begins with a hike for the campers to explore the beauty of God’s handiwork. I always take a vote at sunrise: is there a Creator?

Huck works at the quarry – in what we call the ‘little house on the quarry’. If you are ever in the area, stop in and try one of Huck’s deer steaks.  He’s always grilling them after work.  You can also drive through to get your vehicle weighed at the quarry…Huck will weigh your vehicle, with you in it!    

Huck’s son Jackson, my oldest nephew, got married last weekend. Jackson and Beth cut the cake at their wedding with the USMC sword that Jack earned while in Iraq.  Over and over, we thank the Lord for sending a guardian angel to literally pick Jack up and carry him to safety.

Yes, the harvest is plenteous…and we thank all who continually help us in the work of the Great Commission. The churches throughout Naranjal continue to grow so much that we now need a church at each side of the village!  We would like to make it to Big Lake Bible Church’s Homecoming next weekend on the way back to Mexico, but our suburban is still in the shop. Thanks for praying.

P.S. Unique voices can be found anywhere if we’ll stop to listen. My video toolkit Pilgrimage to Any Country for Pennies lays out clear steps for how you can encounter them. Use it to create an affordable, meaningful pilgrimage that can enrich your perspective and bring blessing back to your own community.